ALexa, play “wildflowers”

by tom petty

  • “Enjoy the ride!” - my mantra.

  • I’d rather have a heartfelt handwritten note/card than a gift any day. I still have all of the cards I have received since I was a little girl.

  • One of my goals is to go to every national park and baseball stadium in the states.

  • My first language is laughter. And then English.

  • If people watching/ analyzing and Facebook marketplace were a sport- I’d be an Olympic Gold Medalist.

  • I believe myself to be a very open person and one who sees all sides of things. I don’t think life is black and white, except for when it comes to loyalty. I believe you either are or you aren’t and it’s just a non-negotiable quality to me in others.

  • I have an obsession with Fall, hearts, hats, snowmen, smiles, glittery/sparkly things, and growth/ self improvement. In no particular order.

  • Being rushed, big crowds, small talk…… JUST NO!

  • I don’t watch tv or have Wi-Fi at my place.

  • “Wildflowers”, “Stand By Me”, and “Take Me Home Country Roads” are my absolute favorite songs. “Canon in D” and “I Hope You Dance” always make me tear up. “I Won’t Back Down” is the theme song of my life.

  • I’m a human vault and can remember every birthday and little detail about others and what they tell me, but I cannot- for the life of me- remember where my car keys are or what day it is.

  • My biggest fear is wasting time and not living a life true to me or reaching my highest potential. Also, empty jars of peanut butter and inauthentic people.

  • A 9-5 or an office job would be the death of my soul.

  • I live by and make every decision from my heart. Whether or not it’s logical- it doesn’t matter. I’m more concerned with how things feel to me then how they look to others

If you couldn’t already tell or will soon learn, I’m a huge fan of words- quotes, song lyrics, poems, and all things pun and games! But “About Me” sections? Not so much. They are high up there on my list with things that I dislike as much as cheap coffee.

I believe that us human beings are not one dimensional creatures and there are so many little pieces that make up the big picture of who we are. I’m hoping that my blog will give you more of an insight into who I am and what I love and value. Until then, here are a few of the little pieces that make me “me.”