Review Integrity

If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.

I have been tested so many times throughout my modeling career for “quick success” and offered very lucrative opportunities, but they all came at the expense of going against everything I stand for. And as much as I would’ve loved those 5 figure paychecks, I knew that my morals and integrity meant more to me than a quick buck and putting my face out there forever with something that could be as damaging to young girls, as the media was for me growing up. That is a HELL NO from me and a mountain I’m willing to die on. Why do I say all of this? Because living in truth is VERY important to me in all that I do. And being given the opportunity to test out gear and review it is no exception.

When Greg (Fat Man Little Trail) asked me if I wanted to do this, I was slightly hesitant- only in the sense I feared that if I ever hated a product, I could never say I liked it just because. I JUST CAN’T. Anyone who knows me knows it’s not in my personality. It definitely stems from when I was a young girl and suffered from acne. I would believe and buy into all of the false advertising and media who’d hire celebrities to endorse those products. I later learned they were just manipulating and preying on the insecurities of those affected to make money. Gross.

I know that outdoor gear is a lot different from the beauty industry, BUT there is still a lot of BS (and BS people) on social media who are so quick to sell their souls to gain “fame”, get free stuff, or paid opportunities. I refuse to be one of those people. I want anyone reading my blog to know that they are getting my absolute honest opinion/ experience of the product and that there is no carrot dangling over my head to say anything different. I get to test out a lot of stuff and my intention is to only share the things I truly loved and would buy with my own money.

Happy Trails! xoxo, Brooke


Adventure | Patagonia | O Circuit Day 6-8